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GitHub · · Java · 5
A very simple Android app that can morse given input through audio, vibration and light flash. Also can morse your SMS.


GitHub · · Java · 1
Miscellaneous projects done during my studies in computer science at the Vienna University of Technology from about 2009 to 2011.

Snippet: My solution for a Sliding Drawer that can come from Top

Gist · · Java · 4 Comments · 3 Files
My solution for a Sliding Drawer that can come from Top: I extracted SlidingTray from this lib (by Ahmed Shakil) and refactored it a bit since it had some quirks needed to be used within this lib. It consists of 1 class and you have to add atts in your attrs.xml. Other than that it has pretty much the same usage as SlidingDrawer with the additional “orientation” attribute.