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Open Source

Various open source software projects I created in recent years. As one can see there is a strong focus on Android (in the past) and Java cryptography/security themed libraries. Most of them can be found on GitHub and are published on Maven Central.


GitHub · · 3 · v2
Global checkstyle config to be reused in different projects. These include my own personal rules so your milage may vary.


GitHub · · Java · 57 · v0.6.0
IDMask is a Java library for masking internal ids (e.g. from your DB) when they need to be published to hide their actual value and to prevent forging. It has support optional randomisation has a wide support for various Java types including long, UUID and BigInteger.


GitHub · · Java · 2 · v0.6.0
BCrypt based key derivation function to improve BCrypt as a cryptographic primitive for password hashing and key derivation


GitHub · · Java · 9 · v0.3.0
Implementation of the single-step key derivation function (KDF) as described in NIST Special Publication 800-56C Rev1 supporting messages digest and HMAC.


GitHub · · Java · 456 · v0.10.2
A Java standalone implementation of the bcrypt password hash function. Based on the Blowfish cipher it is the default password hash algorithm for OpenBSD and other systems including some Linux distributions. Includes a CLI Tool.


GitHub · · TypeScript
The source for my private website powered by hugo a static code generators and typescript/node based CLI to fetch my content from various sites..